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Publié sur un an il y a par Julien Pauthier
You can extract a list of clients, separated as tabs (TSV) or coma (CSV):
<?php $apiKey = ""; $ssoToken = ""; $data = file_get_contents("$apiKey&token=$ssoToken"); $clients = json_decode($data); echo "Firstname\tLastname\tEmail\tPhone\tAddress\tTags\n"; foreach ($clients->items as $client) { echo $client->firstName . "\t" . $client->lastName . "\t" . $client->emailAddresses[0]->email . "\t" . $client->phoneNumbers[0]->number . "\t" . $client->address->street . " " . $client->address->zipCode . " " . $client->address->city . " " . $client->address->country . "\t"; if (is_array($client->tags)) foreach ($client->tags as $key => $tagItem) { echo $tagItem->tag . "\n"; } echo "\n"; } ?>
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You can extract a list of clients, separated as tabs (TSV) or coma (CSV):
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